
Iremos volcando todo la información del proyecto en la web, pero si te surge alguna duda no dudes en contactar con nosotros.


White Paper




Road Map

Sep19. Creation of the MariCoin Network in Chueca (Madrid)

Oct21. Top 10 Miami Algorand Accelerator.

Oct21. First contacts with exchanges such as Binance, and bases for alliances with Bitfy (Brazil), Yieldly (Australia) and technology companies Avantgarde and Remibit.

Oct21. Incorporation of the Mentoring Council and formation of the operational team.

Nov21. Contact with Yieldly.

Dec21. Launch of the token on Algorand

Dec21. Communication of the Project to the media and the public, reaching a diffusion at the date of publication of this Whitepaper in 895 media in 37 countries (with an audience of 275 million people).

Jan22. Collaboration agreement with the Fintech company Criptoro, as a technology partner, for the creation of different applications under the Algorand blockchain.

Jan22. Incorporation of the CIO and technology team, the Director of Ambassadors, and the Director of Alliances.

Jan22. Contact with Nestor Mullins in the United States as legal advisors for the incorporation of the MariCoin management company.

Jan22. Agreement with Legendarium, metaverse, for the creation of a virtual office in the blockchain tower, being the first company of the collective that will have in this metaverse, office where different activities will be created, for a year. Training, dissemination, information and Radio MCOIN live broadcasts and podcast.

Mar22. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Trading on major exchanges.

Mar22. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Launch of our own Wallet and Pay App with MariCoin / Launch of MariCoin Wallet and Pay App. with MariCoin.

March22. Launching of the LGBTQ+ partnership and selection program.

April-May22. Launch of the first issues of MCOINS to collectives for staking.

Jun22-Nov22. Internationalization at WorldPride (20 LGBTQ+ capitals of the world).

Oct22. ICO at Belobaba’s Launchpad.  

Dec22. Smart Contract for stable payments, based on a collateral swap that generates a loan in FIAT for 10% of the value of the investment in MCOIN, liquidable by the user / Smart Contract for stable payments.

Feb23. Launch of MariVerse after evaluation of its viability. MCOIN will be the native currency of MariCoin’s own metaverse. It will have different islands, where all kinds of activities to support the collective will be developed.

Apr23. Launch of MariFund, crypto (sustainable) impact investment fund.



Token Value

Dollars ($): 0,026$

Euros (€): +/-0,0265€

Claim: 38 maricoins = 1€


Algunos datos financieros

Según una encuesta publicada por USA Today en 2021, las personas pertenecientes al colectivo LGTBIQ+ son dos veces más propensas a invertir en criptomonedas

0 %
No se siente representada por las instituciones financieras tradicionales
0 %
Desconfía de bancos e instituciones
0 %
Es dueña y comercializa con criptomonedaas

¿Me quieres?

¿Quieres gastar o invertir en Maricoin? La moneda irá incrementando su valor desde el precio de $0,026 (octubre), 0,027 (noviembre), y así sucesivamente hasta su listado en los principales exchanges que admiten Algorand. Si quieres adquirir y usar tus maricoins en los comercios puedes hacerlo desde nuestra Mariwallet.

Descárgate ya la Mariwallet y entra a formar parte de la primera emisión de una moneda que mejorará el mundo..


¿Quieres conseguir tus maricoins?

En el exchange Tinyman podrás cambiar monedas de ALGO por maricoins.